Plot Detector GeometryΒΆ

In this example we will make a few simple plots of the geometry of a detector object, handy for presentations or for visualizing your work. This code can be run from the script in the examples directory.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import pyrex
import pyrex.custom.ara as ara

# First we need to initialize the detector object and build its antennas.
# For this example we'll just use the original ARA geometry.
detector = ara.HexagonalGrid(stations=37, station_type=ara.RegularStation,
                             antenna_separation=[2, 18, 2])
# Since we won't be doing any event simulation, the arguments of the antennas
# (threshold and noise) are largely unimportant
detector.build_antennas(power_threshold=0, noisy=False)

# Let's also define a function which will highlight certain antennas in red.
# This one will highlight all Hpol antennas.
def highlight(antenna):
    return isinstance(antenna, ara.HpolAntenna)

# For our first plot, let's make a 3-D image of the whole detector.
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

# Plot the antennas which satisfy the highlight condition in red
xs = [ant.position[0] for ant in detector if highlight(ant)]
ys = [ant.position[1] for ant in detector if highlight(ant)]
zs = [ant.position[2] for ant in detector if highlight(ant)]
ax.scatter(xs, ys, zs, c="r")

# Plot the other antennas in black
xs = [ant.position[0] for ant in detector if not highlight(ant)]
ys = [ant.position[1] for ant in detector if not highlight(ant)]
zs = [ant.position[2] for ant in detector if not highlight(ant)]
ax.scatter(xs, ys, zs, c="k")

# Now let's plot the detector in a couple different 2-D angles.
# First, a top-down view of the entire detector.
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 5))

xs = [ant.position[0] for ant in detector if highlight(ant)]
ys = [ant.position[1] for ant in detector if highlight(ant)]
plt.scatter(xs, ys, c="r")

xs = [ant.position[0] for ant in detector if not highlight(ant)]
ys = [ant.position[1] for ant in detector if not highlight(ant)]
plt.scatter(xs, ys, c="k")

plt.title("Detector Geometry (Top View)")

# Next, let's take an x-z view of a single station. Let's also add in some
# string graphics by drawing lines from bottom antennas to the top of the ice.
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 5))

station = detector.subsets[0]
for string in station.subsets:
    lowest_antenna = sorted(string.subsets,
                            key=lambda ant: ant.position[2])[0]
    plt.plot([lowest_antenna.position[0], lowest_antenna.position[0]],
                [lowest_antenna.position[2], 0], c="k", lw=1, zorder=-1)

xs = [ant.position[0] for ant in station if highlight(ant)]
zs = [ant.position[2] for ant in station if highlight(ant)]
plt.scatter(xs, zs, c="r", label="Horizontal")

xs = [ant.position[0] for ant in station if not highlight(ant)]
zs = [ant.position[2] for ant in station if not highlight(ant)]
plt.scatter(xs, zs, c="k", label="Vertical")

plt.title("Single-Station Geometry (Side View)")
../_images/plot_detector_1.png ../_images/plot_detector_2.png ../_images/plot_detector_3.png


A Python package for simulation of neutrinos and radio antennas in ice. Version 1.10.0
