
SpecializedRayTracePath.propagate(signal=None, polarization=None, attenuation_interpolation=None)

Propagate the signal with optional polarization along the ray path.

Applies the frequency-dependent signal attenuation along the ray path and shifts the times according to the ray time of flight. Additionally provides the s and p polarization directions.

signalSignal, optional

Signal object to propagate.

polarizationarray_like, optional

Vector representing the linear polarization of the signal.

attenuation_interpolation: float, optional

Logarithmic (base 10) interpolation step to be used for interpolating attenuation along the ray path. If None, no interpolation is applied and the attenuation is pre-calculated at the expected signal frequencies.

tuple of Signal

Tuple of Signal objects representing the s and p polarizations of the original signal attenuated along the ray path. Only returned if signal was not None.

tuple of ndarray

Tuple of polarization vectors representing the s and p polarization directions of the signal at the end of the ray path. Only returned if polarization was not None.

See also


Base class for time-domain signals.


A Python package for simulation of neutrinos and radio antennas in ice. Version 1.10.0
