HDF5Writer.add(event, triggered=None, ray_paths=None, polarizations=None, events_thrown=1)

Add the data from an event to the file.

Increments the global event counter and writes data to the file based on the specifications given on initialization.


Event object responsible for the signals currently on the linked detector.

triggeredbool or dict, optional

If bool, represents the global trigger status. If dict, ‘global’ key’s value should represent the global trigger status and other keys may represent other triggers to be recorded. The other keys may be a single boolean for the event, or a list of booleans per waveform.

ray_pathslist of list of RayPath, optional

RayPath objects for each antenna, for each ray solution from the event.

polarizationslist of list of array_like, optional

Vector polarizations for each antenna, for each ray solution from the event.

events_thrownint, optional

Number of events thrown to reach this event, i.e. how much to increase the total throw count of the file by.


If not enough keyword arguments have been specified to write the necessary data.


A Python package for simulation of neutrinos and radio antennas in ice. Version 1.10.0
