
class pyrex.ice_model.GreenlandIce(n0=1.775, k=0.448, a=0.0247, valid_range=(- 3000, 0), index_above=1, index_below=None)

Class describing the ice at Summit Station in Greenland.

In all methods, the depth z should be given as a negative value if it is below the surface of the ice.

n0float, optional

Asymptotic index of refraction of the deep ice.

kfloat, optional

Multiplicative factor for the index of refraction parameterization.

afloat, optional

Exponential factor for the index of refraction parameterization with units of 1/m.

valid_rangearray_like of float, optional

Range of depths over which the uniform index of refraction applies. Assumed to have two elements where the first value is lower (deeper, more negative) than the second.

index_abovefloat or None, optional

Index of refraction above the ice region. If None, uses the same index of refraction as the top of the ice.

index_belowfloat or None, optional

Index of refraction below the ice region. If None, uses the same index of refraction as the bottom of the ice.


Index of refraction parameterization based on a slightly altered version of the density parameterization at Summit Station [1]. The altered version ignores the break at small depths in order to have a uniform index of refraction parameterization matching the form of the Antarctic index. The temperature and attenuation length parameterizations are also based on parameterizations defined for Summit Station [2].



C. Deaconu et al, “Measurements and modeling of near-surface radio propagation in glacial ice and implications for neutrino experiments.” Physical Review D 98, 043010 (2018). arXiv:1805.12576 DOI:10.1103/PhysRevD.98.043010


J. Avva et al, “An in Situ Measurement of the Radio-Frequency Attenuation in Ice at Summit Station, Greenland.” Journal of Glaciology 61, no. 229, 1005-1011 (2015). DOI:10.3189/2015JoG15J057

n0, k, afloat

Parameters of the index of refraction of the ice.


Range of depths over which the ice model is valid. Consists of two elements where the first value is lower (deeper, more negative) than the second.


The index of refraction above the ice’s valid range.


The index of refraction below the ice’s valid range.


attenuation_length(z, f)

Calculates attenuation lengths for given depths and frequencies.


Determines if the given point is within the ice’s valid range.


Calculates the corresponding depth for a given index of refraction.


Calculates the gradient of the index of refraction at a given depth.


Calculates the index of refraction of the ice at a given depth.


Calculates the temperature of the ice at a given depth.


A Python package for simulation of neutrinos and radio antennas in ice. Version 1.10.0
