= <pyrex.earth_model.PREM object>¶ Class describing the Earth’s density.
Uses densities from the Preliminary reference Earth Model (PREM).
The density calculation is based on the Preliminary reference Earth Model [1].
- 1
A. Dziewonski & D. Anderson, “Preliminary reference Earth model.” Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 25, 297–356 (1981). DOI:10.1016/0031-9201(81)90046-7
- Attributes
- earth_radiusfloat
Mean radius of the Earth (m).
- radiituple
Boundary radii (m) at which the functional form of the density of the Earth changes. The density function in densities at index i corresponds to the radius range from radius at index i-1 to radius at index i.
- densitiestuple
Functions which calculate the density of the Earth (g/cm^3) in a specific radius range as described by radii. The parameter of each function is the fractional radius, e.g. radius divided by earth_radius. Scalar values denote constant density over the range of radii.