
IREXString.build_antennas(trigger_threshold, time_over_threshold=0, amplification=1, naming_scheme=<function IREXString.<lambda>>, orientation_scheme=<function IREXString.<lambda>>, noisy=True, unique_noise_waveforms=10, envelope_method='analytic')

Creates antenna objects at the set antenna positions.

The antennas built are ARA Hpol or Vpol antennas, as determined by the class_scheme.


Power threshold for antenna trigger conditions.

time_over_thresholdfloat, optional

Time (s) that the voltage waveform must exceed trigger_threshold for the antenna to trigger.

amplificationfloat, optional

Amplification to be applied to antenna signals.

naming_schemefunction, optional

Function used to assign the name parameter for each antenna. Takes the index of the antenna on the string and the antenna object itself as parameters and should return a string for the antenna’s name. By default names antennas “Hpol_X” or “Vpol_X” where “X” is the antenna’s index.

orientation_schemefunction, optional

Function used to decide the orientation to use for each antenna. Takes the index of the antenna on the string and the antenna object itself as parameters and should return which orientation to use for each antenna object. By default aligns all orientations with the z-axis.

noisyboolean, optional

Whether or not the antenna should add noise to incoming signals.

unique_noise_waveformsint, optional

The number of expected noise waveforms needed for each received signal to have its own noise (per antenna).

envelope_method{(‘hilbert’, ‘analytic’, ‘spice’) + (‘basic’, ‘biased’, ‘doubler’, ‘bridge’, ‘log amp’)}, optional

String describing the circuit (and calculation method) to be used for envelope calculation. If the string contains “hilbert”, the hilbert envelope is used. If the string contains “analytic”, an analytic form is used to calculate the circuit output. If the string contains “spice”, ngspice is used to calculate the circuit output. The default value “analytic” uses an analytic diode bridge circuit.


A Python package for simulation of neutrinos and radio antennas in ice. Version 1.10.0
