
PhasedArrayString.triggered(beam_threshold, delays=None, angles=None, require_mc_truth=False)

Check if the string is triggered based on its current state.

String is triggered if the maximum value of the phased voltage waveform for any of the beams formed (according to delays or angles) exceeds the beam_threshold times the expected noise RMS of the beams (calculated as the sum of all antenna noise RMS values divided by the square root of the number of antennas).


Factor of expected noise RMS above which a phased beam waveform will trigger.

delaysarray_like or None

Time delays (s) between each pair of antennas to use for beam forming. If None calculates the time delays based on the desired beam angles in angles.

anglesarray_like or None

Polar angles (degrees) at which to form phased beams. If None and delays is None, default beam delays are used based on the typical ARA phased array delays (19 delays from -5.94 ns to 5.94 ns).

require_mc_truthboolean, optional

Whether or not the trigger should be based on the Monte-Carlo truth. If True, noise-only triggers are removed.


Whether or not the string is triggered in its current state.


A Python package for simulation of neutrinos and radio antennas in ice. Version 1.10.0
