Layered Ice Models (pyrex.custom.layered_ice)

The layered ice module contains custom ice models and ray tracers needed for handling stratified ice layers.

The LayeredIce class is used to define ice models for individual layers of ice, as well as the depth ranges over which these ice models are to be applied. The LayeredRayTracer class then takes two endpoints and a LayeredIce instance and returns all valid LayeredRayTracePath objects between those two endpoints. A maximum number of reflections is allowed between the layer boundaries, as specified by LayeredRayTracer.max_reflections.

Default Package Imports


Class describing ice divided into multiple layers.


Class for calculating the ray solutions in layered ice.


Class for representing a single ray solution in layered ice.


A Python package for simulation of neutrinos and radio antennas in ice. Version 1.10.0
