IceCube Radio Extension (pyrex.custom.irex)

The IREX module contains classes for antennas and detectors which use waveform envelopes rather than raw waveforms. The detectors provided allow for testing of grid and station geometries.

The EvelopeHpol and EvelopeVpol classes wrap models of ARA Hpol and Vpol antennas with an additional front-end which uses a diode-bridge circuit to create waveform envelopes. The trigger condition for these antennas is a simple threshold trigger on the envelopes.

The IREXString class creates a string of EvelopeVpol antennas at a given position. The RegularStation class creates a station at a given position with 4 (or another given number) strings spaced evenly around the station center. The CoxeterStation class creates a station at a given position similar to the RegularStation, but with one string at the station center and the rest spaced evenly around the center. The StationGrid class creates a rectangular grid of stations (or strings, as specified by the station type). The dimensions of the grid in stations is Nx by Ny where N is the total number of stations, Nx=floor(sqrt(N)), and Ny=floor(N/Nx).

Default Package Imports


ARA Hpol (“quad-slot”) antenna system with front-end processing.


ARA Vpol (“bicone” or “birdcage”) antenna system with front-end processing.


String of IREX Vpol antennas.


Station geometry with strings evenly spaced radially around the center.


Station geometry with center string and the rest evenly spaced radially.


Rectangular grid of stations or strings.


A Python package for simulation of neutrinos and radio antennas in ice. Version 1.10.0
